Saturday, May 30, 2009

follow it...

here is a picture stephen sent me from SF at the beginning of his long bike trip back home.

here is a link

hell yeah massan/huf

except for this picture taken by massan, ive been quite bored with fixed/bike culture lately...

Friday, May 29, 2009

stephen only lives once!

my great friend and band mate stephen boyd and a couple friends are making a touring trip from SF back to Indiana here in a couple days. He said he flies out in less than 24 hours. So he is the link to his page, follow it and support him. He is a great dude and while im here ill do this too....

He has also entered to win a $5000 credit towards whatever bike he wants in bicycling magazine and go vote to help him win, because he made it to the top 10!

Hey dudes, my dude stephen entered a contest to win any bike (up to $5000) and he was selected in the top 10 videos. If he gets the most votes out of the top 10, then he wins. He's biking from SF, CA to Fort Wayne, IN this summer. So help him! It's really easy to vote.

Click vote and enter as many emails as you can.

Monday, May 4, 2009


please, i love this, apple plus bikes equals me happy.


hopefully me in 42 yrs.

looks better than...

...the first two combined... pretty excited.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

this from this

from this...

funk as fuck

im so punk, i wish i could say this was bike related.

i like it...

these are sweet....

hells yea

mike giant + supercorsa...

so effing...


seen on milanofixed